Friday & Saturday, October 5 & 6, 2018 Friday: 9:00am-12:00 midnight Saturday: 8:00am-???????
Cost: If you register and pay by September 21 Both Days: $50 Friday ONLY: $25 Saturday ONLY: $35
If you register & pay AFTER September 21 Both Days: $55 Friday ONLY: $30 Saturday ONLY: $40
We will be limiting the number who can attend, so register early!
We will be serving a total of 3 meals: Friday: supper Saturday: lunch & supper
Demonstrations: 1. Stripology & Stripology Squared ruler 2. Quick Curve ruler 3. MORE to be planned!
We will again have a "trader's dice game"- you will bring fabric to play- we will let you know what to bring!
We will have the FAMOUS Snack Sharing table, and a Keurig coffee maker to use. We will have drawings for prizes! Don't forget we have an awesome GIFT bag!! We'll have "show & tell" on Saturday evening!
Location: Emmanuel Evangelical Church Langdon, ND
If you are from out of town & need a place to stay, there are 2 hotels in town: Cobblestone & Langdon Motor Inn.
I am attaching a link to the registration form. If it doesn't work for you, we have copies in the shop. We could mail one out to you. Just let us know.
Retreat 2018 registration & brochure
More news and classes coming soon!